Nationally Recognised CPR & First Aid Course
Get the credentials to save a life.
Our CPR + First Aid courses provide you with formal credentials. Learn from highly skilled trainers with experience, street cred and a finger on the pulse.

The word is out – First Aid Training can be fun! Rhythm First Aid has developed engaging courses, tailored to the needs of your business, school, or corporate organisation. We can assist across various sectors, including (but not limited to) manufacturing, agriculture, logistics, construction, health, sporting clubs, childcare and more.
What You'll Learn In This Course
Training is contextalised to your people and organisation, to ensure compliance, safety and maximum results. We can also provide guidance on how to comply with your workplace obligations under Victoria’s occupational health and safety legislation.
Available Courses
Rhythm First Aid can keep your people up-to-date, whether they’re new first aiders or need a refresher course!
HLTAID009 - Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation
HLTAID010 - Provide basic emergency life support
HLTAID012 - Provide First Aid in an education and care setting
HLTAID014 - Provide Advanced First Aid
HLTAID015 - Provide advanced resuscitation and oxygen therapy
22578VIC Course in First Aid Management of Anaphylaxis
22556VIC Course in the Management of Asthma Risks and Emergencies in the Workplace
Course Set - HLTAID011 & HLTAID015
Course Set - HLTAID014 & HLTAID015
Course Set - HLTAID009 (CPR), 22556VIC (Asthma) & 22578VIC (Anaphylaxis)
Course Set - First Aid (HLTAID011), Asthma (22556VIC) & Anaphylaxis (22578VIC)
Course Set - 22556VIC (Asthma) & 22578VIC (Anaphylaxis)
Training and assessment delivered on behalf of Allens Training Pty Ltd RTO #90909.
Who Is This Course For?
We can assist across various sectors, including (but not limited to) schools, nursing, manufacturing, agriculture, logistics, construction, health, sporting clubs, childcare and more.
One of our professional Rhythm Educators will lead your course. We all currently work clinically as emergency nurses, paediatric nurses or both. This means our educators are up to date with the latest research, evidence based practice.
Educators have years of knowledge and experience and cannot wait to share this with you. They are warm and friendly, encourage you to ask questions in our supportive learning environment.
For this delivery method, students complete some online learning before attending a face to face training and assessment session.
No formal assessment is conducted online, however, there is a short online quiz which is intended to assist with knowledge prior to attending the face to face training and assessment session. All topics are covered in the face to face session, along with all assessment elements (practical and theory).
This delivery method is the most popular as it suits all learner types and strikes a balance between course duration and classroom-based learning.
This delivery method involves all elements of the training and assessment being delivered in the face to face setting.
This delivery method involves all elements of the training and assessment being delivered in the face to face setting.
This is the longest duration of training and offers students the maximum opportunity to interact with the trainer delivering the information.
To qualify for this delivery method, students need to have previously attained a certificate in the course being delivered, which is still current, or less than 3 months after renewal date.
This delivery method involves the same face to face component as the blended training described above, however, due to existing skills and knowledge, it does not require the students to complete the pre-course work. Refresher training can be combined with blended training, so those who do not have the existing qualifications and those suitable for refresher training can attend the same face to face session.
Our courses are nationally recognised and we deliver training and assessment on behalf of Allens Training Pty Ltd RTO 90909.
Upon successful completion you will receive your certificate.
The exception is our Infant and Child First Aid course is Non- Accredited training which does not lead to a nationally recognised certificate.
Just yourself, a comfortable outfit that you can move in.
Please bring a water bottle and a snack (cause snacks make everything more fun!) We will provide the learning materials and a pen, as well as a hot beverage or two.
Yes! This delivery method is ideally suited to students who have previously undertaken the same course, or a very similar course (i.e. returning students), and who are confident in computer use and learning online.
The online knowledge and theory assessment is delivered through our unique online learning system (Training Desk).
It is essential that course participants have access to the required resources, which include a reliable computer and internet access, as the learning part of the course and the theory component of the assessment is undertaken online prior to the face to face practical assessment session.
During the face to face practical assessment students are assessed in the required skills of the course.
There is a small amount of time allocated to clarify information, however, overall students should arrive prepared to perform the skills. If during this session the student is unable to successfully perform some of the tasks, they will be provided the opportunity to be re-assessed at another time. Students who need to be re-assessed will be given clear feedback from the trainer on what tasks need to be re-assessed.
All of our Nationally Recognised Training units are able to be completed via this online training method.
Any cancellations within 14 days of your booking will unfortunately result in forfeiting the entire fee. This is because we will have turned away other bookings at the time that your booking was for. We encourage you to contact us as early as possible to see if we can assist with rebooking or transferring your booking to another person.
There will be a 10-15 break half way through the course so you can use the bathroom, have a stretch, refill your drink and give your brain a rest!