Prep to VCE, plus staff programs.
Age appropriate training aligned with curriculum and tailored to cohort topics. First aid for allergies, accidents and adventures.
Our programs are customised to the learning needs of the students to ensure the content is relevant to the curriculum and meets the desired learning outcomes. Students will learn the importance, principles of first aid and what to do an in emergency.
These sessions are designed to equip students with vital information and life skills whilst promoting safe behaviours and decision making.
Our primary school incursions are practical, fun hands-on learning experiences for children.
Teachers can choose from a large range of topics such as;
• Safety around the home
• Spotting dangers
• Sending for help (000)
• Burns
• Bleeding
• Snake bites
• Poisons
• Recovery position
• CPR (Grade 5/6)
and many more.
We’ve worked with kids for years, so we know how to maximise hands-on activity and use real life examples that keep students engaged, excited and eager to learn. We provide informative activity worksheets and resources for students to take home.
School groups can receive nationally recognised training certificate such as Provide CPR (HLTID009) or Provide First Aid (HLTAID0011).
This can be stand alone training; customised to the youths or it can be incorporate with any of our additional topics.
These programs can be tailored to your school groups needs. You can choose a number of topics such as;
• Party safe behaviours
• Drugs and alcohol
• Decision making
• Options when calling for help
First Aid in schools can feel overwhelming on when you carry so many responsibilities. We are here to lighten a teacher’s heavy workload. Our team will work closely with your team to ensure your school is compliant with first aid training, and that your first aid kits and equipment, including AEDs, are up-to-date.
Nicole has worked casually as a school nurse, has attended tens of excursions, camps both locally and internationally. This experience, coupled with regular in-school first aid training positions us in the field, facilitating tailored training to your school.